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What speed can be reached with a paraglider?
The speed of a paraglider depends on several factors, including the type of paraglider, the weight of the pilot and passenger, weather conditions, and flying techniques. Average horizontal speeds range from 22 km/h to 60 km/h, with modern gliders equipped with speed systems capable of even higher speeds. This ensures safe and comfortable flying with adjustments based on conditions and passenger preferences.
Vertical speeds during normal flight, when the paraglider descends, are approximately 1–1.5 m/s. Pilots often use thermal updrafts to gain altitude and extend flight duration. This technique allows for longer and more dynamic flights with stunning views.
During acrobatic paragliding, which includes maneuvers like spirals and loops, paragliders can reach speeds of up to 150 km/h. Pilots experience forces of up to 6.5 G, requiring specialized training and equipment. Acrobatic flying is a premium adrenaline-filled experience for advanced pilots and those seeking extreme sensations.
All our tandem instructors are licensed professionals with extensive experience, using state-of-the-art equipment from leading global manufacturers. If you have any questions about speeds or other technical aspects of paragliding, contact us, and we’ll be happy to assist. With us, you’ll enjoy a safe and unforgettable airborne experience.