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How far in advance should I book the flight?
The timeframe for booking a flight with a military jet fighter depends on the location and the availability of the aircraft and pilot. In many cases, a flight can be arranged within a few days. However, it is recommended to book 1–2 weeks in advance. This ensures optimal preparation for everyone involved and increases the likelihood of having your experience on your chosen date.
Once you know your preferred flight date or time period, let us know as soon as possible and make your reservation. If you have several days available, it’s best to select a date early in that timeframe. This way, backup dates are available in case adjustments are needed due to weather or other factors.
Our team is here to help you with all the details and ensure your reservation process goes smoothly. Contact us for additional information or to check the availability of dates at your selected location. Your adrenaline adventure starts with a single call!