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How does your bungee jump work?
1. Preparation for the jump
We meet at the agreed time and place. Wear comfortable clothing (sweatpants, shorts, etc.). Once on the bridge, we equip you with a harness system to connect you to the bungee cord, followed by mandatory weighing. We explain the jump process and familiarize you with the procedures at takeoff, body position in free fall, etc. We also make sure to answer all your questions.
2. The jump and free fall
When it's your turn for the bungee jump, you step onto the platform where a final check is performed. Slowly move to the edge and in front of you is the breathtaking view of the valley below and up to 96 meters deep. But no worries - you are attached to the elastic cord and then the countdown begins...
3, 2, 1,... Bungeeeeeee!! And you push off from the platform diving into the depths, reaching speeds up to 100 km/h. Just before the water surface (you can choose to dip), the elastic cord gently stops you and then shoots you back up, repeating a few times.
3. Dive-In Jump
In the dive-in jump, the bungee cord is adjusted to the right length based on your body weight so that you partially submerge with your hands or head in the water. Since the elastic cord is fully tensioned at this stage and you have lost all kinetic energy, the dive jump is completely safe. However, the adrenaline experience is even more extreme as the sensation that you will crash into the water intensifies.
4. Tandem Jump
If you wish, you can also jump in tandem with your partner, friend, etc. The jump is especially an experience for those who might not dare to do it alone. The tandem jump is similar to a solo jump except that in this case, two people are connected to the harness system, allowing them to enjoy the jump together. The tandem jump is completely safe, as all bungee cords are dimensioned for much higher weights.
5. Conclusion of the jump
Once the bungee elastic cord settles, we take you back to shore by boat, where your knees might still be shaking from the adrenaline. But no worries... You survived the jump :-) ... and enriched with new sensations experienced in free fall, you are now richer for an EXCEPTIONAL EXPERIENCE.