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How does Video and Photo of a Bungee Jump Look Like?
Video recording the jump from the bridge
This is an optional service for bungee jumping. The service includes recording from an external perspective, and the footage is produced in HD (High Definition) quality. This service is available for all types of jumps and can be ordered as an additional option for an extra charge when booking your bungee jump.
Video recording the jump with a body-mounted camera
This is an optional service for bungee jumping. The service includes recording with a camera attached to your body, and the footage is produced in HD (High Definition) quality. This service is available for all types of jumps and can be ordered as an additional option for an extra charge when booking your bungee jump.
Photographing the jump from the bridge
This is an optional service for bungee jumping. The service includes photography with a professional camera from an external perspective, and an SD card containing approximately 50 photos. The photos are produced in high quality. This service is available for all types of jumps and can be ordered as an additional option for an extra charge when booking your bungee jump.